Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Patchwork Quilt Workshop for International Day

Q1.Who were the members of your workshop team and what was the role of each person in the group? 

My group mates are Maanya, Jonas, Timur, and me. The roles were; 
Maanya=Teach small children how to make their patchwork quilt
Jonas= Preparing the ingredients that people needs to make a patchwork
Timur= Pinning up the patchwork (if there is nothing, ask people to come.
Me= Teaching adults how to make a patchwork. 

Q2. Explain your ideas for your patchwork quilt workshop and explain how you differentiated your resources for younger and older participants 

We got separate tables for adults and younger children. On adult's table we had bigger shapes (squares) so that they can cut it into whatever shapes they wants to. For smaller children, as it might be dangerous to let them use scissors, we got ready with already cut-out shapes just for them to stick on. We also made smaller glue sticks for smaller children as they have smaller children. 

Q3. Explain what items you prepared for your workshop. Explain how successful this resource was on international day.

As said above, we had two different things prepared for older and younger participants. I think, from my view, things that we did has been quite successful. We also wrote the name for younger participants as we sometimes can not read their handwriting. We prepared a bottle of glue in case the glue on the palette runs out. This has been quite successful as we had nothing running out. 

Q4. Describe and reflect on International day. How successful was your workshop? Did your audience enjoy it? How could you improve it for next time? 

I think our patchwork stall has been quite successful. I think our audiences has felt quite happy because most of the people left our stall saying thank you with the smiles on their faces. However, if we are going to be making this kind of stall next time, we can improve on our timetable. Due to the timing, from our group, Jonas and Timur has not managed to come because they had another slot to complete. Somehow, Azaan and Mayukh  from other groups were helping us. 

Q5.What did you enjoy about this project? 

I enjoyed this patchwork making when we did it at home as our homework and on the actual international day when people were leaving and said thank you to me. 

Q6.What skills and techniques did you learn?

The new skill that I learnt is how to teach people effectively in a short period of time. On international day, I knew that people wanted to go around many stalls and not to stay in one stall for such a long time, so I just taught them the basic idea on what they are to do, gave some examples,  and left them alone, so that they can concentrate on whatever thing they wants to create.

Q7.  How could you make this unit more fun?

I think this unit can be more fun if we could learn more techniques when sewing because, personally, I like sewing and knitting etc, I wanted to deepen into the techniques that may be important when making a patchwork and what we should do to make it look better with neater looking. 

I think that this topic was quite interesting to do and I hope that we can do this kind of work again in our art rotation during MYP art process.