Thursday, May 25, 2017

Year 8 Rotation 3 Week 11

This week....

This week, we had a day off for Monday, and we had performed on Tuesday. In Wednesday's lesson, we had performed some of the videos from our class and we discussed according to every criterion. We also edited our music piece, on Wednesday, got it together and started the editing bit, adding the pieces together with the movie, deciding to add gunshot at the end.

Monday, 22nd May 2017

We did not have lesson since it was a day off for teachers.

Wednesday, 24th May 2017

In this lesson, the arts and the music students got together and discussed the presentation of the final video of each group. We could not present ours since it was not fully complete yet. In the lesson, we discussed the videos from Yahya's group,  Rebecca's group, Dana's group and Samia's group. Rebecca's group did not also have the video fully completed like us, both are complete, but they were not put together to be played. In the break after this lesson, we have stayed inside, in order to complete putting them together. It was a difficult task since we had to shorten the pieces then add them together. We had to get all the pieces add up to 1 minute 8 seconds, which was how long the video was. This took a long time, but currently, all we have to do is to put them together, so that we can send it to the teachers as soon as possible to get it marked.

Next week....

Next week, we are probably performing our video to the class and discuss what we have done, and how it appeals to our audiences. I am a little scared but is also excited to know everyone's comments towards our video. Once this is finished, we will finish this concept in the music rotation. I am wondering what we will be doing after we finish.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Year 8 Rotation 3 Week 10

This week...

This week, all the groups were to perform their video and submit it. However, none of the groups have managed to do so, which means we spent this week trying to finish off our final published video. Our group did get to finish both the stop motion video and the music piece. Even so, we could not manage to fit them both together yet due to the time management.

Monday, 15th May 2017

In this lesson, we tried to work on the script which the arts were meant to do. This script is not for filming schedule, but a script for our voice over, which is something like a narration to our story.  Since the arts did not finish their video yet, we had worked on them. As I have mentioned in last week's post, we were done with our music piece, and is up to the point where we only have to crop the music piece depending on the length of the video.

Wednesday, 17th May 2017

In this lesson, we have tried to get all the pieces together with the video piece. Although we had some troubles trying to find out how to send the video, we managed it so that we can get all the pieces together. We did not get to finish everything in this lesson. That's why me and Raushan went up to the music room in order to get everything sorted. Mayukh is doing the editing, while I have done the cropping music piece part.

Next week...

Next week on Tuesday, we are performing to our audiences. Although our video is very short, we all wish that the audiences will enjoy them.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Year 8 Rotation 3 Week 9

This week....

This week, we did not perform our music, however, we learned how to convert the files. We learned that 'wav' is better than mp3. Even so, just so that we can be flexible with editing, we converted them in both ways. We also realized the variety of the music is too less. That's why, we created another calmer music, that we can use for introduction part.

Monday, 8th May 2017

In this lesson, we started in the art room, where we again discussed what we have done so far. The arts said, they are starting their filming this week, so us music may have to go down to art to help because they will not make it on time. We told them, we are done too. Then after separating, we learned that it is better to convert the files. It is the best to convert the files into 'wav' form so that the quality is guaranteed. As soon as we were told to seprate into the groups, we did all the converting and sending. At first, we did not know what we are supposed to do (especially me) however, Mayukh was quite good at this, that he did them, and I was doing the checking the quality and flexibilty plus exploring the new music, since we thought we do not have enough variety.

Wednesday, 10th May 2017

In this lesson, we finished converting and sending, including the new piece that we had made. It is the introduction music, and the jumpscare music. Since we still had more than half of the lesson, we went down to art in order to see what they were doing. They were filming scene one, which means they barely started. However, we cannnot help them directly. That's why me and Mayukh have planned to do the script for them which was meant to be done by them. Even going through them, we found some points that could be improved. In addition, we could make it a little longer by making them go more descriptive. We have to take this as a homework. Mayukh and I can both edit this document as it is up on the google document. We may have to plan an afterschool shooting, so that we can hand in the work on time.

Next Week...

Next week, we must finish the recording and put the music together to go with it so that we can perform to the class to ask for feedback. Depending on the length of each scene, we will shorten the piece. After performing to the class, we will recieve the feedback. At the time, we will note the feedback so that we can improve referring to it.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Year 8 Rotation 3 Week 8

This week...

This week we were meant to perform our music (draft version) however, none of the group were finished with recording. This is the reason why we also had this week in order to finis recording and were told to perform in next week's lesson so that we can know where to improve. In this week's lesson, we managed to add one piece to the music, and record all four pieces in total

Monday, 1st May 2017

In this lesson, we first got together in art and music. We discussed how the process was. The arts said they had started filming the first part. We told the that we are almost done because all we have to do is to record. After we separated from them, we wanted to start recording right away. However, most of the working computers were taken by other groups, that we only had the last ten minutes for ourselves. While we waited for other groups to finish with theirs, we created a piece called "vampire's theme". We found this piece online, and we practiced from tutorials until we an get it sound all right. We also practiced other pieces too so that we can get with recording straightaway in the coming lesson.

Wednesday, 3rd May 2017

In this lesson, as soon as the lesson started, we ran to the backroom in order to get the working computer. We found two that are working. That's why we got started with the pieces on the keyboard. We recorded a little longer than we had expected, since art is not finished with their movie, so we don't know how long it will be. Mayukh recorded the halloween theme, vampire theme and the guitar part while I recorded the created piece and the beat on drums. Thanks to this, we finished recording all pieces.

Next Week...

Next week, we are planning to show it to the class in order to find the improvements. As soon as we get the responses, we will work on them. Then when we finish, we will do the official recording. If the art is not finished at this stage, we will go help them.