Saturday, October 10, 2015

Oedipus and the sphinx reflection


Reflecting each step of video recording our act of Oedipus and the Sphinx oracle scene I think we've done quite well. My group mates are Nadia, Hana, Omar and me. Nadia acted the oracle girl, Hana and I acted the chorus and Omar acted the king that goes to find out the future as we chose to do the scene that when the KING goes to the oracle and finds out the unpleasant future which is 'Oedipus (your son) will kill the king (you) and marry the queen (your wife)'

On the first lesson we tried acting Hana the queen, me the king, Omar Oedipus, Nadia the oracle girl. At that time, we didn't know that we need a chorus as we had different teacher. We practiced as many time as possible to make the recorded video as perfect as possible.

On the second lesson, our usual teacher was back and we were told that we'll need a chorus that's why me and Hana have decided to do the chorus and Omar the king as he was he only boy in our group. Me, Nadia and Hana had struggled to speak together at the same time that's why I've suggested to Nadia to tap three times on the pencil case that we had pretended as the oracle. Then we were successful to speak at the same time as a chorus. We also suggested Omar that it'll be great if he gives angry emotion on his face.

Our actual performance went great. We have done the chorus at the complete same time, Omar did his angry expression part kind of funny, and most of all, all of us did each of our part incredibly well that's why it turned out to be great.

1 comment:

  1. Runa, nice job reflecting but where is the video?
    B: (will update this grade when I see the video posted)
    D: 8
