Friday, September 18, 2015

My Journal of my Drama lesson on 17th September 2015

My journal of my dramatic drama class

This is my homework to publish a post on my blog. 

The festival of Dionysus:
  • The Festival

    Tragedy began here, at the City Dionysia, in the sixth century B.C.E. Few records are left that date prior to 534 B.C.E., but we do know that at some point a contest was formed to honor the best tragedy. In 534, Athens made the contests official and offered financial support for their production. Once made official, the contests and their winners were recorded by the state, giving us much more detail about the tragic contests.
    On the first day of festivities, a large statue of Dionysus was carried from the temple to the Theater of Dionysus at the foot of the Acropolis. This procession was of much importance to the Athenians and Greeks and large numbers of people attended the parade. The procession itself was a spectacle, and intended as a reenactment of Dionysus' journey to Athens. Once at the theater and prior to the performance of the plays, the theater was sprinkled with the blood of sacrificial pigs for purification.
    The festival allowed three playwrights to have their plays performed in the tragic contests. Each contestant was required to submit three tragedies and one satyr play (a form of comedy that required the chorus to dress as the satyr companions of Dionysus). It is assumed that the tragedies were required to be in the form of a trilogy. While only one complete Greek trilogy remains, many of the surviving tragedies seem to have once been a part of a trilogy. The contest lasted for three days, one for each playwright. Each playwright presented all three tragedies and the satyr play in one day. The audiences would spend much of the day in the theater, though Greek plays were shorter than modern plays. After the three days of performances, the winner would be put to a vote.
  • References
  • (Theater in Ancient Greece: The Festival of Dionysus, Friday 18th 2015)
  • The Greek theater labelled diagram: 
  •    this is the labelled diagram of the ancient Greek theater. 
My blog today was about my drama homework.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work. Thank you for the references. Would've like to have known exactly what the places that you marked on the diagram meant.
    A: 7
