Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My Journal of my drama lesson on 16th of September

My journal of my dramatic drama class

Today, I had my Drama lesson. My teacher explained us that in term 1 we will be focusing on "Greek Theater". And the teacher showed us the power point to make us understand easier. From the power point, I learned that even though they didn't have much technology as we do today back in olden days, they were clever enough to make the theater full of great systems and mechanics to keep their voice heard to people at the back. While the presentation was going on the teacher told us that the Greek people used to work in Unison. ( I heard this word first time in my life ) Unison is when a group of people does a same movement at the same time. They are all synchronized. The main focus of the lesson for today was to work together as a chorus. 

We had this activity to work in the group of 5 and make a Unison. we had levels for this(easy, medium, and hard). First we started off with easy which was to do movements of Happy, Sad, and Angry. Our group did this task quite great I think as we had no hand raised up when the teacher said,"Any thing that they can work on?"But the teacher told us that one of my group mate laughed when we were doing the Angry part. 

Next, we did medium. We had to act out Excited, Bored and Tired. I was really happy when our teacher told us that we improved on our skills. 

This is my drama class journal. I hope u like it.

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