Thursday, June 2, 2016

Cat's theme edited using mixcraft

This is my video for cat's theme. 
this video is edited using mixcraft. 

For this theme I have looked at the notes for the piano and I have learnt this theme by myself. As I had no one or it may be just that I didn't know, I didn't have anyone to teach me and I also thought this is a good chance for me to understand the notes and try playing them in a way that I thought. Also, my difficulty for this project was that when I practiced, I have managed to play well and I was successful, however, as I started to record, my fingers got mixed up and I couldn't play well. Then I asked my teacher and she said "record while you are practicing" so then I thought that I should look at the notes even while I am recording because that is the way I practiced my cat's theme.  I would like to try to use this way because I usually get scared when I am recording or playing/saying something in front of a lot of people. 

1 comment:

  1. Well done. You have done a good job of working this out on your own. Your pitch & instrument choice is correct. The only thing to work on is your rhythm, but this is improving so keep trying. You can always use your notes to perform. I can't perform without notes, so I would never ask you to.
