Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Melodrama silent movie Grandma bones saves the day

Self evaluation: Mayukh, Jonas, Noor, and me: I think we did well on including comedy. I thought we should over exaggeration. Substantial 6

Peer evaluation: 
Nazih, Samia, Azaan, Alice's group: 
good choice of music, can identify the characters easily, could exaggerate a little more. Hard work shown. Excellent , 7

Nadia, Tanya, Daniel, maanya, timur'group: phonetastic 7 
I do not think that the stock characters and the story line are clear However this one was good over exaggeration, Substantial 5

Anju, Mille, Mohammed, Adam: missing money
I think that the stock characters are sort of clear. Could not tell who Adam was acting. Cue cards weren't sufficient. Comedy was included. Substantial 6

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