Thursday, April 20, 2017

Year 8 Rotation 3 Week 6

This week...

This week, music was successful in adding the left-hand part to the Halloween based music which was just the right-hand until the last lesson. Mayukh was practicing this piece, while I had searched up ideas for another piece of music for next lesson. Since art was delaying compared to the music's speed, I had gone downstairs to help them out so that we can complete the work at the same speed.

Monday, 17th April 2017

In this lesson, I was in the music to help Mayukh practice the Halloween theme, while I explored for a piece on drums and other types of instruments, that we can use for our performance. I had discussed the length of the piece by timing the whole piece then cutting off some parts or fastening them so that it fits the certain length. Regarding the creation of a new piece, unfortunately, I was not successful in creating anything for this lesson but I have realized that using drums would be a good idea since it can be used for jumpscare. I also thought we could do combination piece too so that it sounds more professional and is effective in creating an intense feeling.

Wednesday, 19th April 2017

In this lesson, I went to help art do the puppets since they said they are not catching up with the action plan very well. Since I and Mayukh's plan was to create another piece of music, I told him the things I had explored in the previous lesson, so that he does not have to start from scratch. In art, I had helped my art team make the doctor and the woman (human based claymation). I think they may need more time to complete the work, probably after school or break time since Omar has been absent for past few lessons, which made it harder for art to divide up the work.

Next week...

Next week is the final week before showing (or presenting) our music to our class first before the actual performance. We have to record the music we have decided until now, but at the same time, create another piece of music so that there will be enough pieces of music for our presentation. 

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