Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Year 8 Rotation 3 Week 7

This week...

This week, the music was successful in recording the music. Since the practice performing date is the 1st of May, we only had this week to complete the music. However, we thought that by the time of the next practice run through (after the 1st of May one), we could try to create another piece since we will not have much to do after it has been recorded. 

Monday, 24th April 2017

In this lesson, we started from the art room, where we had met and discussed both team's progress and the schedule for this week. We had told the art team that all we have to do is to record the music piece that we have right now. We also told them that we wanted to create another piece but we will probably not going to make it on time (by 1st of May) as we have to explore the "Mixcraft" app to recall our memory from last year's experience with it. We were not allowed to go help the arts, so we tried to focus on recording all pieces of music at least. Then, as an extension (if we have time) we will start the creation of another piece. Nevertheless, we were not successful in connecting the piano to the computer to record, and this took about more than half of the lesson. That's why we could not even record both pieces. I guess we have to carry on with it next class. 

Wednesday, 26th April 2017

For this lesson, I was absent. However, Mayukh was carrying on with recording the music piece. He also said that he had explored the drums so that we can use them as our jumpscare. Although we had been talking about the jump scare from quite a long time ago, we still did no get to the point where we can decide the instrument to use and their beats. This is because the jump scare holds the key to our play. For this reason, Mayukh and I wanted to explore more and more types of jump scare so that we can use the best fitting one. 

Next week...

Next week, we will be presenting what we have created so far. Then, from the feedback we get, we would like to improve our piece and also add a jumpscare + another piece so that we have more variety of music to play, and for our audiences to enjoy watching.

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