Friday, November 27, 2015

drama reflection 3

Front page of my reflection paper

Drama reflection 2

Drama reflection2
In my drama class, I have got to know many skills and also how to develop them. We have done our activities and performances based on criteria A (knowing and understanding), criteria B (developing skills), criteria C (thinking critically), and criteria D (responding).

First of all, I have got to know and understand many skills, informations, vocabularies, histories, etc... that is all related to drama. We have learned about Ancient Greek theatre (figuring out what they did to make the performances a success, and what kind of techniques they used), physical theatre (how to communicate an emotion through movements, acting out a poem [and poem verbs]) and I have gained a lot of new knowledge by PPP, researches, teacher's advice etc... But most of all by TRYING OUT THE TASKS GIVEN! From PPP, I have learned about unison, Greek theatre (in ancient times). From researches I have learned about Greek theatre mask, and Greek theatre's  thoughtful devising for the audiences. From teacher's advice there're few of them that I remember; that we have to project our voice when wearing a mask because it can block your voice, to be serious at the task in group work especially for the people in your group, and she also told me not to be scared when I had to roll off from the box for our first physical theater performance, the box.

I also got to know more vocabularies based on the topic. For example, unison (to do an action at the complete same time in a group), chorus (to speak at the same time), oracle (a person who has a job to tell the future) etc....

Greek theatre I think is also related to history but I think in history lessons we probably don't learn about these entertainments for people. Therefore I think it was a good chance for me to learn about these things.

In drama, skills that are acquired was communication skills, creative thinking skills, social skills, self management skills, and reflection skills. The skills that I think I developed was communication skills and reflection skills. I applied communication skills when I was working in a group. I tried my best to communicate my ideas and also listened to other people's ideas too. I applied reflection skills by reflecting each step on my blog for better presentation in the future.

For thinking creatively, I am not very good at doing it in drama. So this time I have decided to look at other people's creative ideas and learning from it. This way I thought I can develop my thinking creative skills. Also we have worked to communicate a certain message. It was the box. We tried our best to communicate the frustrating emotion through movements.

If I assess my artistic response during the unit, I would give it a 6 because I think my ideas weren't creative enough and thinking creatively is very important but everything else, I have tried my best and I also completed all my tasks on time. My work demonstrates few concepts - Greek theatre and physical theatre.

Things that I can do to improve my performance in this rotation is to speak louder as I'm not familiar and not good at projecting my voice for long time (like performances). I can also focus on thinking of more creative ideas. This is very important point for me to improve because I think that if the performance isn't creative enough, the audiences can get bored easily and not be attracted to the performance.

Overall, the criteria that I can improve on is criteria C, thinking creatively. I am going to try my best in my next rotation to improve on this but I think in this drama class I have learned a lot and at the same I had a lot of fun too!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Drama Reflection 1

My drama reflection1
During my Drama class, we have used communication, Social, Self-Management, Reflection Skills, and Creative thinking skills.I demonstrated communication skills by using Greek theater mask. My mask was showing happy expression. I have learned in my recent drama class that Greek mask was made to act out women and was over reacted for the far audiences that came to see the performance. So I have included long hair and fringes. I have made my mask from scratch. This is also related to creative thinking skills.

For my social skills, we've done quite few group works. One example is the oracle scene. It was a little difficult to do the chorus work as we all had to speak altogether at the complete same time. We all tried our best to make the performance as successful as possible.

Every time we do a performance, I made the reflection on blogger. I tried my best to do the performance on the day that I am writing about. This helped me to write down everything that I felt and my opinions. If I don't do it on the day there are more chances for me to forget what I felt. I completed my reflections and all my other tasks on time too. I think by doing this it has helped me improve my self-management skills.

I think I mangled to cover most of ATL skills, however the skill that I think I can improve is the social skills as I cannot contribute much of good ideas to my group.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

frozen picture

My group mates are:
and me.

Here're the pictures for our freeze framed act

time poem

Criteria C: 6
Criteria D: 5

Criteria C:6
Criteria D:4

Criteria C: 7
Criteria D:6

Criteria C:8
Criteria D:7


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Reflection on other group's performance

The groups that I think were successful was the following.

  • Anju, Mille, Tanya's group.
  • Azaan, Jonas Timur's group
  • Andrija, Mayukh, Omar
I hunk these groups were successful because they acted out the frustrating emotion very well in their performance (which was the the theme). They both used box in many ways.

Groups that can be improved is the following. 
  • Hana, Maanya Jana's group
  • Nadia, Lara, Mariam's group
They both looked a little like dancing performance and didn't show any frustration action. Maanya's group, Maanya was telling them where to go and what to do through out the whole performance. Plus I couldn't really understand what the box was for. 

These were the other groups in the class. I would like to take the good parts of the other group's performance and use them in my performance next time.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Reflection for our first physical theatre performance the box

We did our very first physical theatre performance. My group mates are Adam.I, Mohammed, and me. We were supposed to do a physical theatre based on frustration, and should be related and use a box. It was a little difficult as this was my first day of doing this performance even though everyone else was on their second day to practice (as I was absent for last two lessons). Plus in this physical theatre you are not allowed to communicate with your group mate during the performance but you were allowed to have a song.

At first when my group mate told me what I am supposed to do, I was pretty scared because I had to roll off the box. For me, it was a little hard action as it was a group of boys and I am not good at doing all those energetic movements. We also decided which song to do; we chose to do the song by Micheal Jackson which was called 'beat it'

We were the first ones to performe the show. ( as our name of the song starts with b.) I actually didn't know when to start but the sign for me to start moving was when Mohammed laid on top of the box. As I only had one lesson to practice, I confused myself even during the show which actually was hard for me to decide what I am supposed to do next. I had to remember each step we did in the practice. That seemed for me to work. Things that I can improve is not to stay in the way that audience's view as I just blocked my teacher's view in the performance today. I think we could have had more angry expression to show the frustration that is our theme.

Overall, I think we have done our performance fine but as I popped into the group today that gave us harder situation to work with. But I still think that our very first physical performance went quite well  and was good practice for our future performances.