Thursday, November 26, 2015

Drama Reflection 1

My drama reflection1
During my Drama class, we have used communication, Social, Self-Management, Reflection Skills, and Creative thinking skills.I demonstrated communication skills by using Greek theater mask. My mask was showing happy expression. I have learned in my recent drama class that Greek mask was made to act out women and was over reacted for the far audiences that came to see the performance. So I have included long hair and fringes. I have made my mask from scratch. This is also related to creative thinking skills.

For my social skills, we've done quite few group works. One example is the oracle scene. It was a little difficult to do the chorus work as we all had to speak altogether at the complete same time. We all tried our best to make the performance as successful as possible.

Every time we do a performance, I made the reflection on blogger. I tried my best to do the performance on the day that I am writing about. This helped me to write down everything that I felt and my opinions. If I don't do it on the day there are more chances for me to forget what I felt. I completed my reflections and all my other tasks on time too. I think by doing this it has helped me improve my self-management skills.

I think I mangled to cover most of ATL skills, however the skill that I think I can improve is the social skills as I cannot contribute much of good ideas to my group.

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