Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Year 8 Rotation 3 Music Week 2

This week....

This week, we had two lessons, where we were given time to decide on the topic (story) for our claymation video, finalize it and complete the action plan.

Monday 6th March 2017

I was not here in the lesson on this day due to the netball tournament we had on the school team, however, my groupmates had discussed the ideas, leading to the point where they want to mix fairytale and horror into our video. They have also decided that one of my group mate Raushan, will do the video creating mainly and everyone could help her, since she had already made it once for tech fair. They were also starting to do the action plan.

Wednesday 8th March 2017

I was present in this lesson. I had discussed the ideas with my group mates in the back room and started to do the action plan. Since the discussing took a lot of time, until we can finalise the idea, we could not complete the action plan. We had shared the document on google drive so that we all can edit it and share it so that we can get the action plan done, plus we all will have it even after we separate, so that all of us can follow it. 

Next week...

Next week, we have to finalise what we will need according to the action plan and the story plan, and check if art supplies are enough. The art group (Raushan, Kaisan and Omar) will start by the sketch drawing, and make more detailed action plan on when they will have to finish each puppet by. Me and Mayukh will both have to start exploring the instrument we are going to use. Most probably, I will be in charged of creating the script, so me and Mayukh can decide on which music/instrument to use depending on the scene. 

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