Monday, March 20, 2017

Year 8 Rotation 3 Week 4

This week...

This week, we focused on the creation of the introduction music. We have finalized what instruments we are going to use, and what sort of beat it will have. The arts have started the sketch and the script. However, the arts are not making much progress on either of them, meaning we will have to help the arts complete it. Otherwise, even us, music team cannot finalize the length we will be playing the instruments. Depending on this, we have to change the beats/ rotate the type of music we will use.

Monday 20th March 2017

In this lesson, music team was successful in creating a piece of music which we are planning to include in the introduction part of the performance. In this music, we decided to use 3 instruments; guitar, piano, and the drums to create the scary beat. The beat will be The guitar code will be 6-4-5-6, strumming pattern as 3: 4th and 5th string, 4: 6th string. On the keyboard, it will be like Ab (A flat) - A - Ab - f. The percussion instrument will be like but the last beat will be double. Since we only have two people who are in charged of music, we will ask the art students to help us record the music so that it can go with the video. In terms of recording, we will edit the music using mixcraft or possibly any other types of music editing app, transfer it so that it can be added to the stop-motion video.

Wednesday 22nd March 2017

This lesson will be missed due to the Shakespeare day, where Gr.7, 8 and 9 will be involved to perform what we have created in relation to Shakespeare's life and/or the plays he had made. Since we will be missing this lesson, we could be practicing the piece of music we had created; Mayukh-guitar and Me- Piano (keyboard) beats. This piece has to be done at the same time so we will have to keep on practicing the piece until we can master it.

Next week...

We will have to have the script finished by then, start planning for the actual music we are going to us during the actual story part goes on. We have to speed up in creating the piece so that we can finish by the deadline. The fact I am missing many lessons times, due to school events taking place. I am taking part in many things leading me to miss a quite a lot of lessons. To catch up with the action plan. We have to make sure that the art has made some progress too, so that we can decide on when to start filming for the stop-motion video. 

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