Friday, March 17, 2017

Year 8 Rotation 3 Music Week 3

This week...

This week, we finished off the planning, shared it with my groupmates and made sure that we know exactly what each of the groups has to do. We have also started on the creation of each area. Art is mainly in charged of creating the stop-motion video and the script, although music team will also be helping it whilst we create the piece of music to go with the video.

Monday 13th March 2017

In this lesson, we have started the lesson altogether (with the art students) to make sure that we all know what the plan is. We have also discussed the storyline and deciding what each of the team will be doing. We have reached the point where we have decided that music will be focusing on the background music and help the art team do scripts and the video since we only have two people. Art is mainly going to focus on creating the claymation characters, but at the same time, work on stop-motion video, and the script. After the art group had gone to the art room to start planning their work,  Mayukh and I started on exploring the music. Since we don't have the scripts yet, we decided on what instruments we will use. We thought of few pieces of music which we consider in actually using it. While we were exploring, Ms.Cross came in, and she told us that there are many ways of using an instrument, which I was quite amazed by. I also realized the importance of thinking out of the box and the fact it is always a formula that idea + creativity = special performance. 

Wednesday 15th March 2017

I was not here in this lesson. Although I was present in school, I was taking a part in tech fair. From my group, me, Mayukh, and Raushan were involved. However, Kaisan and Omar had started on the script since they sent me an invite on email to edit the document (script) which also helped me in knowing what they did during the lesson. Me and Mayukh while then, discussed that how we can stick to the action plan. We decided that Mayukh will start creating the music on the guitar, and I will be starting to create the tunes on the keyboard. We will both surf on the internet too, to find any music that may give us ideas on creating the best-fitting piece. 

Next week...

Next week, we will ask the art team to finish creating the script and/or help in creating it. Music team will then record reading it (if possible) we will decide on which music to play live, and which to record since we only have 4 hands. We should not forget to finalize what our core instruments will be, and how we will be using them. 

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