Sunday, October 23, 2016

Year8 unit 2

Reflection on the performance in overall Drama

The pictures posted below are my reflection sheets for rotation 1, Drama

STAGE COMBAT CHOREOGRAPHYReflection for Drama and Stage Combat assessment:

In my stage combat performance, I think I did do okay. We made a few cues to each other so that we know , when each movement is coming. However, I noticed I was panicked during my performance which I will have to figure out a way not to. Because of this, I skipped some lines (changed them), and had a delay on the actions. In our choreography, we used slaps (one to be ducked, one blocked, one hit, one back and force), shoves (twice), stomach punch (twice), choking, and hair pull. I found the stomach punch quite hard, since I have never done one before. We could have improved on the timing of the actions, since we could not perform in the best timing although we used some cues to tell each other. After I finished the last lesson of the 12 weeks of drama, I have noticed that the topic we did this term was connected. Melodrama was all about over reacting, and Stage Combat was reacting to something that is not actually occurring. In both topics, I had to over react, to let the audience enjoy or know what was going on. I have learned something interesting in this drama session, which I definitely would not learn if I was not in the school. The slaps, punches, chokes, shoves, killing, eye poke...... They were hard for me since my personality did not fit the topic, but at the end, I finished my drama sessions having fun. I would like to thank all my classmates and my teacher who taught us something quite interesting an fun!! I would like to utilise what I have learnt in drama onto Visual Art and Music which I am going to have in the future. 

This is the video for my stage combat performance

Stage combat Production Notes

Who is she/he?

Person A;
name: Ashley
description: Ashley is the sidekick for Monica and is always with Monica and does whatever Monica said. She was a nerd and was called as Looser Ashley before she became th sidekick of Monica

Person B;
name: Monica
description: Monica is the queen bee of the school. She has a bossy personality and is mean to everyone is meets. Her man sidekick is Ashley and she judges everyone and always makes mean comments about people's outfit, hairstyle, make up and style.

Why are you fighting?

We are fighting because Monica makes mean comments about Aria's hairstyle, when Ashley is friends with her. Ashley feels offended about how Monica talked about Aria. Then she starts to talk about how she was like when she was a looser and nerd before she started to hang out with Monica, who changed her completely. Ashley gets mad and tells Monica, that she is done hanging out with her and she shoves Monica and then they both starts to fight. 

How do you think the stage combat will go?

I am actually very anxious about this project. Both me and Samia are not good with this topic, because we have never really been violent (like slaps, punches, upper cut in the face) before. Plus my personality are not sufficient for this topic since at least I don't know how to be confident when I come in front of people and perform something that I am not good a . That's why we would like to practice outside lessons, to improve our skills on stage combat to take this opportunity in learning how to become over the fear of making mistakes when performing something you are not very good at. 


For this stage slap task, I paired up with Maanya. The situation was that I am a worker, who works for the boss which is Maanya. However, we had to create a situation where we create a plot so that it ends up to me slapping the boss. We created the plot which is something like this;

I try to talk to the boss about what I have done so far
She does not listen because she is busy with doing nail polish
I start to get angry and again try to talk to her
Boss gets annoyed and say 'I FIRE YOU!'
Then I say 'YOU FIRE ME, I QUIT!'
Right after I say this, I slap her in the face. 

I think the successful point in this task was that both of us memorised the lines and knew what is to happen next during our performance. I felt really embarrassed when my grade coordinator came into my class when I was about to fake slap her. From my point of view, I felt this task was quite hard, since I have never done things such as slapping someone before. Maanya was very skilful in this, however, I caused her a lot of trouble, since my facial expression looked like as if I was smiling (although I was not) and the slapping hand was too weak. I thought we were not as successful, but not quite unsuccessful either. Let me mention why I think so. I felt like this because we both knew our roles and what we will do next, but our timing wasn't great, and in the first try, I panicked which lead me to slapping her before stopping for my teacher to take a picture (shown above). By the next time I perform, I will have to learn how to not to panic when performing in front of people, which I think I can utilise in other subjects too. 


MYP: Stage Combat
Key concept: communication
Related concept: audience, expression, interpretation, and presentation
Global context: personal and cultural expression?
Statement of inquiry: Combatants use safe and choreographed stage combat, communicating personal and       cultural expressions for the benefit of an audience.
Inquiry question: Factual -why is safety, eye contact and cuing important during stage combat?
                           Conceptual-what is stage combat? Why will actors engage in stage combat? How do you communicate as combatants on stage?
                           Conceptual- How do we mask the audience to create the illusion of contact in stage combat, reflecting conflict in a real life situation?
                           Debatable-how realistic is stage combat in different movies? How do they create sound: today snaps or prerecorded sound effects?

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Reflection for melodrama unit

Our project was named as "grand your wish". This was the twist from the movie Aladdin. I was lucky to have role of Jasmine because it only had little lines since I was sick. I also created the poster for this movie, since I could not cooperate to my group compared to my other group members. The cast was: Me:Jasmine, Maanya:Genie, Timur:Aladdin, Daniel: Abu (the monkey). We tried to work on the day off we had for teacher's meeting day at school.  In case the video doesn't work, the link is:

M: helps Aladdin by pushing a brick which enters into a slide to a pit a gold
A: rubs the lamp
G: I am the  genie 
A: fine, I bet can't get us out of here
G: course I can!
Teleports to grass 
G: see! 
G: uhh, ok...
M: o-o a-a
M: whimpers 
A: Ok now... I wish a palace!!
G: yea sir...
A:PERFECT ! I'm going to get jasmine! 
J: Aladdin? What are u doing here?
A: I'm here, to marry you, my lovely princess 
J: what is up with you? You can't just ask me like that 
A: I have hold 
J: so do I, now leave me alone you freak! 
A: genie!  Make her love me
G: sorry I can't grant a wish of love
A: gets so mad and starts shouting 
G: I can help u only if u let me free
A: no!
A: ugh fine! Whatever
J: Wow so amazing, your handsome
G: why thank you
A: what? What is going on?
G+J: flys away in the distance!
M: that's what you get *slap!* runs away


I think I have gained the knowledge to twist a story. I also developed my knowledge to use creativity in filming. I think the greatest success was that we managed to connect story well, without getting the audience confused. I did contribute to my group by playing the role of jasmine. Although I only had a little part, I tried my best in my role.maanya did the genie, a key person in this play. Daniel played Abu who is a sidekick, and finally Timur played the role of Aladdin. I think films can be more twisted. By doing this project, it was fun to think of a twist to these stories. Television and Films can be used to enrich people's thinking and imagination skills. During my performance audiences laughed in parts like when I kicked Aladdin to save jasmine. I think I can use the poster skill in my rotation in art. I drew a picture of the phone which Genie is meant to come out from to help in the movie. I can use my creative thinking I skills again in art, I think in presentation it can be helpful in any subject

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Melodrama silent movie Grandma bones saves the day

Self evaluation: Mayukh, Jonas, Noor, and me: I think we did well on including comedy. I thought we should over exaggeration. Substantial 6

Peer evaluation: 
Nazih, Samia, Azaan, Alice's group: 
good choice of music, can identify the characters easily, could exaggerate a little more. Hard work shown. Excellent , 7

Nadia, Tanya, Daniel, maanya, timur'group: phonetastic 7 
I do not think that the stock characters and the story line are clear However this one was good over exaggeration, Substantial 5

Anju, Mille, Mohammed, Adam: missing money
I think that the stock characters are sort of clear. Could not tell who Adam was acting. Cue cards weren't sufficient. Comedy was included. Substantial 6

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Year8 Drama

MYP: Melodrama
Key concept: relationship
Related concept: audience, presentation, expressions
Global context: fairness and development
Statement of inquiry:a hero saves the day in Melodrama to ensure that justice and peace will overrule the destroying plans of evildoers
Inquiry question: •will the hero always destroy the evil plans of the villains to save the day?
•will melodrama always have a happy ending
•must all stories have  a happy ending?
• will good always win against evil?
•. How can the world become a better and more peaceful environment for all?


My first homework in the topic melodrama was choosing 3 different stocks from melodrama characters and post an annotated still image of ourselves costumed as them then explain why it makes the picture be the character. I did the villain, the maiden and     for me, maiden was the easiest since I could manage to imagine what to use for myself to be the character. When I was doing the villain, I had to borrow my fathers tie, jacket, and I had to remake the hat since I couldn't find any tall hat that makes me look villainy. 


The picture above is the villain. I made myself look villainy by putting on the make up which is a big mouth and dark circle around my eyes. I have also added a touch to a hat to make it look taller since most of the villain had a tall hat which is black and has red line around it. The first image that came up in my head when I think how villain would look like, it was red black. This is the reason why I only used those two colours for my costume. I used freaky fingers to frighten the maiden.


The picture above is the henchman. I wore the bow tie since villain wears  
 the tie. At the same time, henchman does the work for villain, that's why I am holding a bomb to show as if I was doing the  work for the villain. Next thing is the hat. The sidekick doesn't wear a tall hat for most of the time. In addition, the henchman is a bad guy, but not as much as the villain is. This is the reason why I did not use the colour such as black and red for the sidekick. I tried to make my face look even a little villainy but because I never made a face like that before, it was difficult. 


The two pictures above is the maiden. Since the maiden is usually fashionable, I wore a dress, wore high heel shoes and carried a bag that  suits the colour of the dress. Only for the maiden , I used a filter (Chrome) since the colour was vague before I used them. I wore a light lipstick. The maiden was probably the easiest one since I could imagine how I should dress and use immediately when I was told about the homework. The picture that I have imagined for this situation was the maiden before knowing about the evil plan of the villain.

Train Track Terror

I chose to do Nadia's group's performance.
The group's good points are: -they used overreaction (voice) to show that it is a melodrama.
                                              -the characters fitted very well
                                              -they memorized most of the script in a short time.

The improvements that could be made is: -give more gestures to show the audiences clearly.
                                                                   -Not to be quiet when they made a mistake in the act.
                                                                   -Give some sound effects of the train coming.

Props that may be used is: -bright coloured cape for the hero
                                           -tall hat for the villain
                                           -dress for the maiden

Although I have made some improvement points, I think their overall standard of the performance was very high. They projected their voices very well, and they thought of the way to do a performance with 3 people, although they needed 4 people for this task.

Drama reading comprehension task

Which century  did melodrama develop?
-Melodrama developed in 19th century in France

Why is it called melodrama?
-It is called melodrama because the word 'melo' came from music/melody to heighten the emotional impact off the audience. 

Why was melodrama so popular?
-It was popular because it was a mixture of violence, romance and sentimentality which was short but full of action 

List three segments of melodrama and what action does each involve?
-The three segments of melodrama are provocation, pangs and penalty. Provocation includes initial cause for setting action. Pangs include consequential sufferings of the good and innocent characters. Lastly, penalty includes last minute twist of fate. Wicked characters have their plan failed

What are some conflicting themes a melodrama usually explore?
-violence, romance and sentimentality

Are the characters life-like or stereotyped?
-It is rather stereotyped since it was not meant to be life-like

What is the difference between faithful servant and maid servant?
-Faithful servant provides comic relief and does dirty work where as maid servant flirt with the faithful servant.

What is aside?
-Aside is where any character speaks directly to the audience to reveal the plan or thought. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Me, myself and I project

This video is all about me. It was quite annoying that I had go through thousands of pictures and get the most suitable one. I have made this video using iMovie, however, as I have never used them before, I had few troubles trying to add the music and adding the pictures to the movie. My video is the link below. I found many pictures that I don't even remember that it happened. I quite liked the project actually because as I was looking through the pictures, my sister who is currently 2 years old, came up to me and said it's her pointing at the picture of me when it was the first day of kindergarten. I am really sad that this is probably the last music project we are going to be having in this rotation, but at the same time, I am excited about what we are going to do in music in Gr. 8!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Cat's theme edited using mixcraft

This is my video for cat's theme. 
this video is edited using mixcraft. 

For this theme I have looked at the notes for the piano and I have learnt this theme by myself. As I had no one or it may be just that I didn't know, I didn't have anyone to teach me and I also thought this is a good chance for me to understand the notes and try playing them in a way that I thought. Also, my difficulty for this project was that when I practiced, I have managed to play well and I was successful, however, as I started to record, my fingers got mixed up and I couldn't play well. Then I asked my teacher and she said "record while you are practicing" so then I thought that I should look at the notes even while I am recording because that is the way I practiced my cat's theme.  I would like to try to use this way because I usually get scared when I am recording or playing/saying something in front of a lot of people. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Wolf's theme edited using mixcraft.

This is my video for Wolf's theme edited using mixcraft. 

For this video, my difficulties where choosing the right part for the video itself because for this video, there is no introduction for the video. Usually there is one so it is easy to find but this one was the one that I struggled the most with. Playing the theme wasn't easy but wasn't hard either. I practiced the theme for a few times and I was able to play the theme. I liked this theme's tone. I would like to move on to my cat's theme which is something that I will be playing next!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Peter's theme using mixcraft

Peter's theme using mixcraft

Completing this task was not as hard as the Hunter's theme. Although, Peter's theme was a little longer than any other themes, I liked it because it was not too hard for me if I look at the music notes.  After recalling my memories for this piece of music, I recorded them like a hundred times. This was due to the fact that I did't know how to speed up the tempo as when I record the music is too long for the video. As I learnt this technique, I would like to be using this skill in my Wolf's theme. I would like to make them as perfect as possible as I have not practiced my wolf's theme very much.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

hunter's theme using mixcraft

The video below is my Hunter's theme 
this video is made using mixcraft and the music played by me. 

As I had no partner for my work, I had a few problems as when I didn't understand something, I always had to ask people who is in other groups. At first, I didn't get how to use this Mix craft at all. However, since Mille helped me to do this work (like how to record me playing, how to edit the music, etc.) I have been able to complete this video. I will have to thank everyone who actually helped me to make this video. The part that I felt hard was when I finished recording, I had to edit them so that it will fit perfectly. I like this rhythm the best because it's short and uses only 2 keys on the piano so it is easy to remember too. As I was alone, I had some difficulties (as I am not very good with computer) but the part that was good being alone was that I didn't have to wait for my partner to record and make this video, which means I had more time. For someone like me, who is not good with computer, this time was useful because I did not have to stress about being behind. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Wolf's theme

The link posted below is me playing my wolf's theme. It was hard to memorize the notes. However in one lesson, I have managed to get to a point were I record myself playing. As this piece of the music was very short I felt it easy. Because of this I have managed to get the notes. However, due to the fact there were flats and sharps, I felt that this music was a little difficult. At first, I didn't know where the keys are but as I kept on practicing, I began to challenge myself by playing without looking at the paper. I have learnt that if I don't give up, I can learn and memorise something no matter how short the time given is.

Peter's theme

This video is my Peter's theme. I liked the part when it goes like C D E F then back to C again. Peter's theme was using the flat and the sharp. I first felt that the timings were a little difficult but as I kept on playing them, I started to get the timings. At the end, I have managed to play this piece of music without the paper that says the music note. I think I liked the peter's theme so far (although I still have done just two piece of music) as I like the tempo o this misic

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Pitch Test 4

This is my pitch test four. I have added 3 more vocabularies than the vocabularies that we have come up in class. they are EFFACED, DABBED, and BEADED. I have came up with the word DECABBAGED which was the longest word that has come up in the class. I had trouble thinking about the high note or the low note to write on the stave.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Studying for the pitch test

I have studied for my pitch test. As I didn't know the format of the test, I drew the stave and the treble  clef and asked my mom to draw notes for me to test myself if I do know all the notes. I knew the notes since I used to learn piano in Japan, I remembered that E, G, B, D, F is on the line. As I have learnt notes in do re mi fa so la ti do, Mi, so, si (ti), re sounded like misosiru high means miso soup in English. That's the reason that I have manged to remember the notes on the line. It also helped me that F was where fa is. This is how I practiced and remembered my notes.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Hunter's theme ~Video & the reflection~

This is my video for playing hunter's theme on the piano. When I first tried them, I felt it's quite hard. However, after understanding the notes, I felt doing this easier compared to the time when I first tried them. I can improve the part where I read the note and decide if I should press the piano keys that is on the left side or the right side. Despite these improvements, I think I did quite well on playing the Hunter's theme and I hope that I will have the same feeling after completing the Peter's theme task. I am very excited to try the Peter's theme.

Friday, March 18, 2016

orchestra family Power Point Presentation

The pictures below are the slides for Power point presentation
I was in charged of the brass family

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Patchwork quilt

This is my patchwork quilt
This patchwork shows the story that I came from Japan, got to Dubai, learnt many languages and the birth of my sister. One part of my patchwork is hidden due to the patchwork next to mine, but there is supposed to be a burj Khalifa representing Dubai. 

This is my drawing for my patchwork 

International day pictures


This is the international day. On the day before, we stayed back after school and got ready by cutting the fabric out, making the leader board and set the stall up ready for the next day. We had our stall inside canteen and the picture above shows the people enjoying making patchwork

Presentation for patchwork and matisses cutout

Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Patchwork Quilt Workshop for International Day

Q1.Who were the members of your workshop team and what was the role of each person in the group? 

My group mates are Maanya, Jonas, Timur, and me. The roles were; 
Maanya=Teach small children how to make their patchwork quilt
Jonas= Preparing the ingredients that people needs to make a patchwork
Timur= Pinning up the patchwork (if there is nothing, ask people to come.
Me= Teaching adults how to make a patchwork. 

Q2. Explain your ideas for your patchwork quilt workshop and explain how you differentiated your resources for younger and older participants 

We got separate tables for adults and younger children. On adult's table we had bigger shapes (squares) so that they can cut it into whatever shapes they wants to. For smaller children, as it might be dangerous to let them use scissors, we got ready with already cut-out shapes just for them to stick on. We also made smaller glue sticks for smaller children as they have smaller children. 

Q3. Explain what items you prepared for your workshop. Explain how successful this resource was on international day.

As said above, we had two different things prepared for older and younger participants. I think, from my view, things that we did has been quite successful. We also wrote the name for younger participants as we sometimes can not read their handwriting. We prepared a bottle of glue in case the glue on the palette runs out. This has been quite successful as we had nothing running out. 

Q4. Describe and reflect on International day. How successful was your workshop? Did your audience enjoy it? How could you improve it for next time? 

I think our patchwork stall has been quite successful. I think our audiences has felt quite happy because most of the people left our stall saying thank you with the smiles on their faces. However, if we are going to be making this kind of stall next time, we can improve on our timetable. Due to the timing, from our group, Jonas and Timur has not managed to come because they had another slot to complete. Somehow, Azaan and Mayukh  from other groups were helping us. 

Q5.What did you enjoy about this project? 

I enjoyed this patchwork making when we did it at home as our homework and on the actual international day when people were leaving and said thank you to me. 

Q6.What skills and techniques did you learn?

The new skill that I learnt is how to teach people effectively in a short period of time. On international day, I knew that people wanted to go around many stalls and not to stay in one stall for such a long time, so I just taught them the basic idea on what they are to do, gave some examples,  and left them alone, so that they can concentrate on whatever thing they wants to create.

Q7.  How could you make this unit more fun?

I think this unit can be more fun if we could learn more techniques when sewing because, personally, I like sewing and knitting etc, I wanted to deepen into the techniques that may be important when making a patchwork and what we should do to make it look better with neater looking. 

I think that this topic was quite interesting to do and I hope that we can do this kind of work again in our art rotation during MYP art process.